How to Set Print Area in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

Setting the print area in Google Sheets is a handy skill for anyone who needs to print specific parts of a spreadsheet. Imagine you’ve got a massive sheet full of data, but you only want to print out the sales figures for the last quarter. That’s where setting a print area comes in – it allows you to select exactly what you want to print, saving you ink, paper, and time. Let’s take a quick look at how it’s done.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Set Print Area in Google Sheets

Before we dive into the steps, it’s important to note that setting a print area can help you organize your data and ensure that only the necessary information is printed. This feature is especially useful when working with large datasets.

Step 1: Select the Range

Click and drag to highlight the cells you want to set as the print area.

Selecting the range is crucial because it tells Google Sheets exactly what you want to print. You can select a range of cells by clicking on the first cell and dragging over the cells you want to include.

Step 2: Open the Print Settings

Go to ‘File’ then click on ‘Print’ or use the shortcut ‘Ctrl+P’ on your keyboard.

After selecting the range, you need to access the print settings to specify your print area. The shortcut ‘Ctrl+P’ is a quick way to open the printing options.

Step 3: Set the Print Area

In the print settings, choose ‘Selected cells’ from the ‘Print’ dropdown menu.

In the print settings, you’ll find several options. To print only your selected cells, make sure you choose ‘Selected cells’ from the dropdown menu.

Step 4: Adjust Settings as Needed

Configure any additional print settings such as layout, margins, and scaling.

Depending on what you’re printing, you might need to adjust other settings like orientation, margins, or scaling to make sure everything fits nicely on the page.

Step 5: Print

Click ‘Next’ to preview your print, and if everything looks good, hit the ‘Print’ button.

Before you print, you’ll get a preview of what your document will look like. If it all looks correct, you can go ahead and print.

After you’ve completed these steps, your selected area will be printed just the way you want it. No more wasted paper on unnecessary data!

Tips for Setting Print Area in Google Sheets

  • Always double-check your selected range before printing to avoid errors.
  • Use the print preview function to ensure your print area fits well on the page.
  • If you need to print multiple areas, consider setting each area as a separate print job.
  • Remember that setting a print area does not affect the actual data in your sheet—it only changes what gets printed.
  • You can clear a set print area by going back to the print settings and choosing ‘Current sheet’ instead of ‘Selected cells’.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set multiple print areas in Google Sheets?

You can’t set multiple print areas at once in Google Sheets, but you can print ranges separately by repeating the steps for each range you want to print.

Can I save my print settings for future use?

Google Sheets doesn’t save print settings by default, but you can create a template with your desired settings and copy it for future use.

What happens if my selected print area is too large for one page?

You can adjust the scaling in the print settings to fit your content onto a single page or set it to print across multiple pages.

Can I set a print area that includes multiple sheets?

No, print areas can only be set for the current sheet. You’ll need to print each sheet separately.

Is there a way to preview my print area before printing?

Yes, you can use the ‘Print’ option to preview your print area. Make sure to check everything in the preview before printing.


  1. Select the range of cells you want to print.
  2. Open the print settings window.
  3. Choose ‘Selected cells’ in the print setup.
  4. Adjust other print settings as needed.
  5. Preview and print your selection.


Mastering how to set a print area in Google Sheets can save you a ton of time and resources. Whether you’re printing a report for your boss, a project for school, or just need a hard copy of your data, knowing how to print exactly what you need is a skill worth having. It’s not just about hitting ‘Ctrl+P’ and hoping for the best; it’s about making sure your final product looks professional and contains only the necessary information.

Remember, the key to success is in the details. Take the time to select your range carefully, check your print settings, and always preview before you print. And if you ever feel stuck, just remember these simple steps, and you’ll be printing like a pro in no time.

Happy printing!